Jul 11·edited Jul 12Liked by Stegiel

The human mind often seems to have a protective mechanism, in that it clings to what it feels are known facts and tries to simplify all problems within those perimeters. Once the enclosure of the mind is created, this safe room is retreated to at any challenge. Luckily at least we are not all the same, yet.

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I agree enclosures are built. Largely in the family. And Utopians once realizing this promptly end the family. Steps up, the loveless state of total love. Shulamith Firestone to allow women masculine freedom advocated passionately for technological reproduction by the State. No family needed. Individuals only.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Stegiel

I think schooling does much of the construction as well. Arguing for indiviuals without family is like arguing for fish without water, trees without air. The result of the scientific method, it's isolative methods.

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