
Dugin sees socialism as an ultimately revolutionary ideology interpreted within the context of 'the Third Way'. In this interpretation, socialism is seen as containing palingenetic features in order to add finishing strokes to the economic and political renovation envisaged in Dugin's doctrine:

For genuine revolutionary socialism, progress consists of a Leap, a traumatic rupture in the even course of social history. Society (Gesellschaft), 'the old world', 'the world of violence' is, according to genuine socialist doctrine, not capable of 'improvement', but of 'abolition', 'destruction', 'demolition'. Instead, 'a new world' is to appear, 'our world', 'the world of Community (Gemeinschaft)', not the community destroyed by the capitalist society (Gesellschaft) […] but 'a New Community', 'an Absolute Heavenly Community', to which no elements of ontological and social entropy will have access.

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Russian vaccine is not a mRNA one. Our sportsmen don't drop dead midgame.

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