
USA. Allan See here is the rest of the link.

Turning transparent, open markets into controlled, exploitable "markets" is the ultimate cannibalization of equally-open-to-all market capitalism which is the foundation of the productive distribution of opportunity.

Turning small-scale, localized finance into centralized / globalized hyper-financialization cannibalizes finance to benefit the few with unlimited access to credit, leverage and monopoly. First you borrow vast sums at low rates of interest that are inaccessible to mere mortals, take a corporation private, indebt the company and use the funds to accumulate mountains of derivatives that leverage the debt 10-fold or even 100-fold, then take the corporation public again, goose the stock and then cash out all the leveraged gains.

The newly public company has been stripmined of core assets and burdened by debt. The financiers cannibalized the corporation to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else with a stake in the business and the future viability of the enterprise.

This cannibalization is not restricted to the financial realm. True virtue--honesty, trustworthiness, the willingness to accept self-sacrifice for the greater good--has been reduced to ashes behind a glossy, fraudulent facade of virtue-signaling, a facade that masks the cannibalization of the system to benefit the self-congratulatory, hypocritical few at the expense of the many.

Health has also been cannibalized to maximize the private gains of the few at the expense of the many. If we define food as natural products high in nutritional content then very little of what's being presented as "food" actually qualifies as food because its nutritional content is somewhere between abysmally low and non-existent.

Highly processed products are simulacra of food that hijack our hardwired pleasure responses to heavy concentrations of salt, sweets, fat and spice and crunchy/chewy mouthfeel. The nutritional content of these products is so low and the fat-salt-sugar content so high that they are severely damaging to health on multiple levels.

The unwary consumer who stuffs themselves with these simulacra of food (shall we call it "fud"?) feels full even as their body and brain are starved for real nutritional content and real-food fiber.

Everywhere we look, we find a massive cannibalization effort behind every phony facade, a cannibalization that hollows out the functionality and adaptability of core systems to benefit the few at the expense of the many.

Virtue-signaling isn't virtue, cannibalized aircraft can't fly, cannibalized enterprises are zombies awaiting incineration and those cannibalized by the "fud" and healthcare industries cannot become healthy because garbage in, garbage out.

As the word suggests, cannibalism won't end well for those consumed by the infinitely insatiable few. It won't even end well for the infinitely insatiable few because they're consuming the last of their prey so voraciously.

In the meantime, enjoy the self-destructive charms of cannibalized functionality and value.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Stegiel

I think you had a typo and meant neoliberal state cannibalism.

I grew up sort of near an airforce base.

My father used to say that only two aircraft were operational, yet would quote how many spare aircraft and how many pilots and how many parasites.

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Rick Larson, see this history of Neo Liberalism in the English speaking world. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00131857.2021.1951704

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Neoliberal is an old word the meaning of which has been corrupted overtime. Originally Neoliberals believe in the free market economy. But now, there is no free market anywhere, so these old line Neoliberals no longer exist. Neoconservatives would be a better word, but they would rather have us blame something other than them, or something that doesn't exist.

These guys have total control over this economy, which does not operate under free market principles:


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