I have been admiring it for at least four decades that people believe that the human body is just a cauldron in a witch's kitchen and only the ingredients need to be adjusted towards perfection.

The psychological factor has been left out for decades, but at the same time, in Psychiatry, the prevalent assumption for several decades was that "psychiatric disorders" (none of which can be properly diagnosed) were the results of some sort of mysterious "chemical imbalance" in the brain. While that hypothesis was debunked a few years ago around the time when statins proved to be toxic and exclusively harmful, nothing has changed in the way the public accepts sick-care poisons and embarrassingly moronic explanations for illnesses that have been mostly invented by the system and are based on "diagnosing" from symptoms.

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022Liked by Stegiel

That's right, I would much rather trust myself than any of these Rockefeller elixirs.

The next shoe to drop should be the food you are buying is not food. But that has a snowball's chance in hell of going over as most people would rather stand in line for their free bowl of bug soup than to keep a garden. Hahahaha!

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