
Medical News and Perspectives | July 23/30, 2003

JAMA. 2003;290(4):449-450. doi:10.1001/jama.290.4.449

The United Kingdom (UK) has granted a license to Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland, to create human embryos for stem cell research via parthenogenesis, a “virgin birth” technique that jolts oocytes into a fertilized state without sperm. The license also allows the institute—former home of Dolly the sheep, which died in February—and its lead cloning researcher, Ian Wilmut, PhD, to derive stem cells from embryos created for in vitro fertilization (IVF) .

These nonhuman primate eggs have developed into 8-day-old embryos via a process called parthenogenesis (Science . 2002;295:819) (Photo credit: AAAS)

It is the fourth license for embryonic stem cell research handed out by the government of the United Kingdom, but the first license allowing the creation of human embryos by any means.

Speaking at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md, Wilmut said that he supports research on all types of stem cells, whether from embryos or adult tissues.

But he added that cloned embryos offer the most promising means for identifying the origins of and treatments for genetic conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig disease (JAMA. 2001;285:1691-1693). Embryos created using DNA from individuals with such diseases could provide researchers with an almost unlimited supply of stem cells, each carrying the key genetic defect. Such a pool would allow scientists to undertake more, and more sophisticated, experiments than any other available technology, said Wilmut, who spoke at a conference sponsored by the General Motors Cancer Research Foundation.



In an interview following his talk, Wilmut said that the aims of the newly licensed research are two-fold: to improve basic stem cell culturing technologies and to increase the supply of human eggs available for research.


Roslin will immediately begin collecting embryos donated by patients from IVF clinics, which typically create several excess embryos per pregnancy attempt. The second route to boosting the egg supply, parthenogenesis, is much more technically challenging, said Harry Griffin, PhD, acting director at Roslin.


The process involves gathering immature eggs from donors undergoing surgery for nonfertility-related reasons and then coaxing them to maturity in the laboratory. If successful, Roslin scientists will try to glean stem cells from the parthenotes (embryos grown from unfertilized eggs).


Roslin’s agenda is the latest in a long line of advances involving parthenogenesis. Decades ago, scientists discovered that some plants and lower animals, including insects and corals, reproduce via the technique. Because the oocytes do not complete meiosis, they contain a full complement of the parent’s chromosomes—a clone.



Then in 1936, Gregory Pincus, MD, one of the scientists involved in developing the first birth control pill, induced parthenogenesis in rabbit eggs via temperature change and chemical agents. In 2001, Michael West, PhD, and colleagues at Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), Worcester, Mass, announced the creation of human parthenotes, although many scientists expressed skepticism about the embryos’ usefulness, as they died shortly after creation. A year later, though, a team led by ACT scientists and Kent Vrana, PhD, professor of physiology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, obtained embryonic stem cells from monkey parthenotes, an advance that sparked a wave of enthusiasm (Science. 2002;295:819).


Roslin is the latest institute to ride that wave, and Wilmut expressed confidence that parthenogenic human embryos will eventually provide a rich source of stem cells for research. But constructing a steady supply of stem cells is just the first step in the research pipeline. Once collected, the cells need to be fed and kept stable.


Because current stem cell lines rely on mouse “feeder” cells, in theory, Wilmut said, unknown viruses in animal feeder cells could find their way into the human cells, a concern that the US Food and Drug Administration has also raised. To avoid that possibility, scientists at Roslin are developing techniques that would rely instead on human feeder cells or, even more ambitiously, on completely cell-free media. That is, the embryonic stem cells would grow in a rich soup of organic compounds.


According to an abstract posted on the Web site of the UK’s Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA), the agency that grants stem cell research licenses, Roslin now has permission to pursue this goal, too (http://www.hfea.gov.uk/aboutHFEA/researchLicenses.htm).



Like Roslin, the other three UK licensees—Guy’s Hospital, London; the Institute of Stem Cell Research at the University of Edinburgh; and the London Fertility Centre—are culturing stem cells from donated IVF embryos.


Under a sweeping 1990 law, the HFEA regulates all IVF and human embryo research in the United Kingdom; a 2001 update to the HFEA banned all reproductive cloning and mandated that any artificially created human embryos must be destroyed within 14 days. In March, the House of Lords ruled that despite challenges from antiabortion groups, the HFEA holds the authority to license research involving embryo creation via parthenogenesis and cell nuclear replacement, although cloning for reproductive purposes remains off limits.


Wilmut did not say if Roslin would pursue a license to attempt the more controversial nuclear replacement technique, the method used to create Dolly. In nuclear replacement, genetic material from an adult cell is transplanted into an oocyte, which is stimulated and begins embryonic development—a procedure that succeeds only rarely. While parthenogenesis allows cloning of reproductive-aged females, nuclear replacement could, hypothetically, clone any person, alive or dead (if viable DNA can be recovered).


While tightly controlled in the United Kingdom, cloning research in the United States is largely unregulated. Bills outlawing the creation of cloned embryos for reproduction—and also for research, depending on the bill—have stalled in the US Congress, leaving the cloning landscape wide open for private companies. However, restrictions apply to researchers receiving federal funds, who may work with a handful of approved but largely uncharacterized embryonic stem cell lines and are not allowed to create cloned human embryos (JAMA. 2003; 289:1092).


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Say we slip energy use wise to 1700 A.D.. Could NZ support her population? The thought strayed in this afternoon with the fog that collapse could crash deeply. We shop in the Marina grocery store with a view of the Bay and Golden Gate. Got thinking about inventory. Completely out of choices in the Egg department-not restocked. Meats looked thin.

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It is no accident….Satan and man have worked in tandem to destroy civilization for thousands of years! Man…inspired by the Devil…is under the illusion that he can get along quite well without God…who’s foolishness… ( if God could be foolish )…..is wiser than all of mans wisdom put together! We’re close to the end of human history…where all of Satans foolish designs…adopted by man…. are about to be accomplished! Only the godly wise will survive!

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An "underspecies" and a "superspecies". Well we don't know what the genetic modification actually means, is the spike's attack on DNA more than a health thing, is it enough to create another species, or will that be future injections.

Some have suggested that a change in personality is happening in injectees, but that could be from feeling duped, or feeling superior for having the shots, or the general crazy of the times.

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I think this thread is going to grow on the general idea set forth of Titanism. Biotech in the hands of insane people as explained by Ponerology and Biotech as Transhumanism and Covid-19 Die Wende. https://johnwaters.substack.com/p/tyranny-by-numbers?utm_medium=reader2

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Technological advances have just about always originated from military R&D. As such, the source was fear and the objectives were domination and efficient killing.

This must have started at the beginning of human history and "perfected" ever since...

Twenty years ago, I already conjectured the genetic attack on humans (I thought it would be race-based) and the genocide by "vaccinations," because even at that point, the propaganda was revealing enough to notice the predictive programming towards such strategies employed by the powerful in the future. At that time, I figured that if I were one of the monsters, I would release a toxin whose antidote would be in a "vaccine," which would filter out the non-compliant. After that, I could focus on attacks on certain parts of the population or cover specific areas, using the same method. I was unaware of all the other options (military radars/emitters, chemtrails, other pharmaceutical methods, and the high efficiency of western "medicine") that can be combined towards the same purpose. Either way, something that can be done is usually done by someone. It's happening.

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Good thinking, writing. It’s going to take me awhile to digest all this. The ways in which I personally imagine the serial ruin of civilizations throughout history these ideas seem a natural part of our human choices. If I can figure a way backwards through the labyrinth which makes sense I’ll write about it. Use of mRNA was my first concern, before Graphene Oxide, Koch’s postulates, etc. mRNA codes for protein synthesis, travels from the cell nucleus to the cytoplasm carrying DNA-mandated instructions for protein synthesis. What could go wrong?

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The Luddites reacted.

Excellent report - its all going to end in catastrophe. Those at the top of the hierarchy will suffer the torturous flip the most as they are both mentally and physically impaired by the power of money.

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It's been clear how mRNA injections work ever since one had to look them up at the time they were announced about two years ago.

It is a problem that various research groups find various things in the batches available for them. Perhaps checking out their funding would reveal where they are coming from.


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Good post Stegiel. Hits a head on the nail.

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Wonder what PV means about dragging in the question of art.

*Art* has been sorely absent, (from where I am sitting anyway) this whole plandemic. Some good memes, some good cartoons.

What are we missing, is everything art-wise just the internet now and social media. (Edit: and film.)

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deletedJul 24, 2022Liked by Stegiel
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