
Absent Christianity the West returns to the late Antiquity of poly demonism. And with unstable populations and arms and munitions that are injected you can s There is no human substitute for Divine Love as filtered through the tradition of Jesus. Kind of why no Marxist rescue missions and homeless shelters. Sterile thought replaced rapture in our hearts and we ask that others act instead. Revolutionary Theory hails the front line workers as the verbs making history happen.

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Stegiel

Kabbalistic Freemasonry never went away. These days it's simply hiding behind the invisibility cloak of organisations such as WEF/Club of Rome/UN and the Rothschilds remain at the top of the pyramid totally out of sight while their agents such as the Rockefellers carry out the desired Agenda.

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But if the Medical Freedom Movement doesn't get its act together WEF will make sure that we're happy and own nothing but our vaxxx passports.

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Starving the beast , by "simply" not feeding it.

Yet all of our combined transactions - be they here, "just" our words, typed, our every dollar that is spent, or every vote that we cast, or every Public Ritual that we partake of, be that watching a Hollywood premiere, a sporting event, or some such charade- these actions contribute the lion's share of food that such a system eats, by the by, as we all must know.

Maybe only Rambo's and Terminator's want to be "the last man standing"...

I certainly do not aim to be the violin player, serenading the sinking ship, but will try my best to throw the little ones a lifeline, should I be allowed.

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"World Economic Forum's Global Communist Agenda"

"Communism has gone through several rebranding efforts, a necessary adjustment for any movement that has countless deaths and astronomical failures associated with its name. Somehow, though, it just won't permanently retire. Instead, it gets resurrected under a new label every handful of years. First, with the Bernie Sanders crowd, it was socialism - the gateway philosophy to communism. Then, the far leftists pushing the agenda realized that it was a bit too forward and putting off moderates, so they started using democratic socialism, assuming that'd be a more digestible term. Now, yet again, thanks to Klaus Schwab and his partners at the World Economic Forum, we need to get familiar with a new disguise – stakeholder capitalism.

Now that socialism has made it to the bad word list, they've incorporated the word capitalism into their new branding strategy (think: the People's Republic of China, it's in the name, but it doesn't mean a thing). At first glance or to headline-only-readers, it might momentarily convince them that stakeholder capitalism must have something to do with our traditional idea of capitalism. In actuality, it's anything but.

If you haven't been paying attention to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, it's time to get familiar if we're going to have any hope of saving America. Joe Biden's campaign slogan, Build Back Better, is often used by partners of the WEF and the slogan dates back to 2014 and the Clinton Foundation." .......................


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Mephistophelean, Promethean definitely. Hubris. Pure hubris. Those who think they are the fire bringers.

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"World Economic Forum wants everyone who resists Great Reset to be forced into China-style “reeducation camps”

Wang Guan, a World Economic Forum (WEF) young global leader, is pushing for those who resist Klaus Schwab’s planned “Great Reset” to be thrown into communist China-style “reeducation camps.”

Similar to the ones where Uyghur Muslims are forced to live in China’s Xinjiang province, Wang’s reeducation camps would be filled with people who support things like freedom, nationalism and the right to bear arms.


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"WEF’s Klaus Schwab Says China Will Be a ‘Role Model’ in the ‘Systemic Transformation’ of the World"

The World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab proclaimed that Communist China will likely serve as a “role model” for many countries as the global community embarks upon a “systemic transformation of the world”.

In an interview with the Chinese state-run television network CGTN, World Economic Forum (WEF) chairman and founder Klaus Schwab heaped praise on the communist government in Beijing for being a leading figure in his vision of a Great Reset of capitalism to usher in the “world of tomorrow”.


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Win what exactly?

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