Aug 19Liked by Stegiel

I would tend to agree, "unwarranted search and seizure..." is not what the framers had in mind, nor Congress for that matter. A healthy democracy it does not represent. That said, I have personally been (and continue to be) victimized by a sophisticated gang of cybercriminals and cybercrime -- home network, pc, mobile phone hacked and surveilled -- sourced just across a so-called privacy fence of my former residence. These criminals deploy/ed subrosa tactics you'd read about having only occurred in third-world countries or those supremely authoritarian (hint, hint). No security protocol I attempted in efforts to stop their behavior worked. And besides reporting continuously to my feckless ISP (AT&T, who I believe enabled the behavior and were in the news recently concerning their egregious breach of customer data and use of a hacker network) my filing multiple reports to the FBI as well as local authorities for help also yielded no results. To date none of these agencies have ever gotten back to me. My life was turned upside down. I was ultimately forced to relocate to another state, where interestingly I allege the activity persists (once they get a hold of you, they won't let go). I would not wish what has happened to me on anyone. So, what are the agencies tasked with protecting private citizens left to do in situations like mine? when there are active threats to privacy, security, and therefore our democracy (if it happens to me, it's happening to other neighbors or neighboring targets around the nation), operating right next door to you targeting not the government, per se, but using such their sophistication on individuals? on their neighbors? Though, as stated, none of the agencies ever followed up with me directly re: my allegations. That is not to say there is no or has never been an investigation underway. I truly believe all available resources should be used for the sake of obtaining justice, how ever long it takes to dot the lines together across oceans. Big Brother is not the only one who's watching.

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Very interesting. Are you able to change ISP? Change phone? Maybe use bluetooth instead of ISP?

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Aug 22Liked by Stegiel

Now I have changed ISPs, that is since leaving the state. But the thing about it is my former ISP is so huge their reach is quite extensive. For instance, you think by changing your mobile provider from one carrier to another you are essentially doing just that. But my former ISP was also my mobile carrier and when I attempted service under another carrier I discovered the other carrier was an affiliate of my former's using the same cell towers and/or infrastructure. And similarly while I have been staying with a relative using their internet, I believe my relative's ISP is also affiliated with the much larger, well-tentacled conglomerate that is my former. No escape. And special note: Bluetooth is a known vulnerability cyber thieves exploit. I learned this during my ordeal. They use it as a back door to your pc, your tablets and as well to track your mobile. So, no. I do not use Bluetooth and disable it or lock it down (Apple devices now offer Lockdown Mode among its settings menu) on all devices I can whenever possible. I would strongly encourage others to do so as well.

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Yes many firms piggy back ATT uses T-Mobile.

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Aug 19Liked by Stegiel


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If only it were in a way.

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Aug 19Liked by Stegiel

I was really hitting my stride then, at 4. Late walker, wore Thomas splints. I think now that I simply had scurvy, (improper leg and foot formation), and more green leafies would have done the trick. My eldest brother had the task of tightening my braces at night, for which he has recently apologized, I think even he knew it was not right. They immobilized me in my sleep, still have nighmares about that. Apparently I tore the crib up by swinging my legs at the rungs, trying to get out of those contraptions. By '68 I was ruling the world, and my reign lasted well into late 1978. High School and college progressively less successful and dimimishing sense of humor as well in all parties. At least we have nice polaroids in some cases.

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Thinking back to the dark ages of medicine as you mention the ordeal of childhood it might well be my nostalgic view is deeply biased and I shall take here and now.

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Aug 19Liked by Stegiel

thanks S. Now is always on the menu, but I like to consider us a palimcest, an accumulation, unavoidably. Like how the dog hair that remains even after the dog is gone.

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Now is that dog hair. Space and Time unreal fundamentally.

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