Thanks for posting Emerald's Substack as I would not have seen it otherwise.

I'm surprised that the graphs were not cooked to hide the cooking of the vote counts.

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One nation under a groove. One world for some and many worlds for others.

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Phenomenology is one area of philosophy I wish I was able to read in German. Integrating my readings on the living situation after Covid injections continue to steam roll. Since probably my first tremendously impactful encounter with science fiction in 1966 at Christmas when the expensive paperback was .65 cents and I bought $20.00 on my very own being allowed to simply be left alone in a large suburban bookstore to sit while mother shopped for clothes in the mall next door. Phenomenal. If not phenomenological per se:. https://ndpr.nd.edu/reviews/mechanisms-and-consciousness-integrating-phenomenology-with-cognitive-science/

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