They’ve opened Pandora’s weather box….with their technology toys! Like mad scientists….these psychopaths are weaponizing everything….It’s eventually going to come back to bite them….The Bible foretold this over 2 thousand years ago…”the sun would scorch men to death!” Their destroying the ozone and creating weather patterns that will destroy the earths inhabitance! God says He will destroy them… for destroying the earth!

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Disinfectants and the overuse of antibiotics have been creating drug-resistant bacteria.

Aerial spraying covers regions, where people can develop identical symptoms, which fakes a "pandemic."

After all the poisons in chemtrails, all "vaccinations," and even in the muzzles and the "tests," nobody can expect much good from these "biocides." The word itself means "life killer."

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How very 2020-2022.

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They were on to it very early.

Spray and fly away.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Stegiel

This is so mind boggling insane - there are hardly words.


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