
In Herodotus we find a thought which obviously expressed the ancient Greeks' conception of the universe: tên peprôrenên moirên adunata esti apofugeein kai theôi, that is, even a god cannot escape the decrees of fate. The ancient Greeks were already obviously afraid to leave the universe to the sole will of the gods, for this would have been equivalent to admitting absolute arbitrariness as the fundamental principle of life. Every fixed order, whatever it may be, is better than arbitrariness. "Fate," in Herodotus, assuredly serves to designate such an eternal and perhaps irrational order, but Herodotus, it seems, is completely satisfied with it. It suffices for him that the gods, like men, should be bound by something, by anything whatsoever. For what man fears above all else is that his fate, or even the fate of the universe, should be the plaything of chance.

We know there exists a Finance-Big Pharma-Congressional-Governmental Complex. We know they deploy the slogan "Build Back Better" implying mass destruction. We know that all of these institutional players are connected to the WEF. The WEF is very big on Transhumanism. We know the vaccines enable internet connectivity when they do not kill. We do not know if the vaccines permit the resurrection of the dead in a glorified form. Entirely feasible something like Metaverse is going to be a Singularity church for the vaccine damaged billions over the next ten years.

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Apr 12, 2022Liked by Stegiel

It makes sense. That's all I can say

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I have stopped having meaningful conversation with anyone whom I think is brainwashed by MSM Covid narrative. So now I even find it hard to believe that those people still exist. Maybe all the maskees shows that they do.

They seem so out of date.

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