While the article is provoking and even inspiring, it seems to want to address too many problems all at once, without the potential of being able to coordinate between them.

Nuclear war? What for? Even a few dirty bombs or even a "limited nuclear event" might do the trick after people believed that two large drones (planes with no windows) and an office fire brought down the Twin Towers and Building 7. The source of these is the same and the same sources designed and tested the lethal injections in secret labs worldwide in the last few decades. Of course, they have a few more tricks up their sleeves, like famine, catastrophic weather, or an alien attack. The worst thing that can happen is WW3 on TV. The Russians, the Chinese, the US, and the Ukranians are all in it. After all, Eurasia and Oceania must be in constant war in order to maintain a "state of emergency."

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The pawn broker gets to keep your gold watch.

We all knew this, but it was previously wrapped up in gobbledygook.

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When I notice that all the myriad public servants are extending the statutory holiday three day weekend to a week long, I am glad to pay them to do less.

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The article bothers the hell out of me, because it doesn't assign a direction to itself, at least as a point of reference.

The author keeps telling the reader who is going to do what without realizing who is in power in those situations... That means that he is either a shill or it reflects poorly on his intellect...

The most embarrassing part of it is that apparently, neatl 13k people visited the enthusiastic, creative, but helter-skelter blabber...

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