Definitely for dumb people

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In the time of Socrates, not Plato, a polis did not find the need to be smarter than the inhabitants who designed and built it. Writing took off like a rocket in the days of Plato. Memorization not the note book or in our time the machine was sufficient. Thousands of years of adapting to writing has brought us to this day of Mass Murder by bureaucrat. Circus animals under the Big Top. I cannot see moving from the urban environment of my neighborhood. We hide in plain sight though no vaccine papers. No car. Less travel. Few friends. A state issued I.D. permits me life. We have been smartened up and fattened up and encircled by life hating tech which now becomes the village green.

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Indeed. When 'zombification' becomes the norm, empathy itself, and therefore 'morality' will be seen as a quaint artifact of a 'less evolved' species of humanity ... until the glue of trust that maintains the infrastructure of the panopticon has eroded to the point of final, perhaps terminal, collapse.

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Welcome. Never so many so aware of dynamic discordant bell tolls.

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