Krishnamurti used to say look at the perception you are having that concept calls tree. Our conceptual thought builds fact to imagination. One side facing us of a house is green. We think probably safe to infer since other houses are green facing us as well. Upon inspection unpainted or other colors but not all green.
For sure, healthcare certainly doesn't mean looking after your health.
Don't know what the CEO did with his days.
"Health care" companies like shooting up people, I do know that.
An op. Too many loose tales. The times are I expect to see more.
"What we call reality is, in fact, nothing more than a culturally sanctioned and linguistically reinforced hallucination.”
This is so and must be so. Is there a way out?
Krishnamurti used to say look at the perception you are having that concept calls tree. Our conceptual thought builds fact to imagination. One side facing us of a house is green. We think probably safe to infer since other houses are green facing us as well. Upon inspection unpainted or other colors but not all green.