

World Government Summit 2022: What Pippa Malmgren is talking about is BLOCKCHAIN and digital currencies

“We are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly,

we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new one; the new accounting is what we call blockchain…

It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.”

“What underpins a World Order is always the financial system. I was very privileged–my father was an advisor to Nixon when they came off the gold standard in 71 and so I was brought up with a kind of inside view of how very important the financial structure is to absolutely everything else. And what we’re seeing in the world today, I think, is we’re on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly, we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new one; the new accounting is what we call blockchain…it means digital–it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.”


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To use Del Noce’ own words concerning “the affluent society”:

It is a society that accepts all of Marxism’s negations against contemplative thought, religion and metaphysics; that accepts, therefore, the Marxist reduction of ideas to instruments of production; that, on the other hand, rejects the revolutionary-messianic aspects of Marxism. . . In this regard, it truly represents the bourgeois spirit in its pure state. . . triumphant over . . . transcendent religion and revolutionary thought.

Here Del Noce surprises us yet again. What emerged in the West was not the victory of liberty or democracy (as interpreted ad nauseum by contemporary media), but rather a “new totalitarianism,” along with a new atheism, in a sense more pernicious than those served up by the older atheistic totalitarianism in the East. To those accustomed to reduce democracy to the vote, Del Noce’s claim appears ludicrous. Yet again, Del Noce’s thought goes to the depths. The deepest roots of totalitarianism are not the mere absence of ballot boxes, but the curtailing of rationality, the ultimate denial of reason’s scope and depth. If there is no transcendent, immutable truth that our reason has access to, then there is no immutable ethics determined by reason, and political authority is in a position to define for itself the right and the wrong. Ethics and culture become subsumed by politics. Under this regime, anyone who attempts to formulate an argument against the state cannot do on any recognizably rational basis. The attempted criticism will be interpreted along the lines of the class/ race/ gender triumvirate. The state need not even get involved in “exposing” such critics. There is never any shortage of academics who are happy to do it; to reveal the class, race and gender biases of “conservatives”puts them on the cutting edge. This is the deepest root of totalitarianism, and Del Noce saw it progressively taking hold in the West. The only truth that exists is that defined by the scientistic-technocratic way of thinking that came to the fore once scientific positivism came to prevail.

Let us take a closer look at how Del Noce characterizes the culture that emerged in the West in the 1960s until the end of the Cold War. Del Noce saw the post-sixties culture in the West as grounded in three pillars: eroticism, positivism, and secularization. These three are all aspects of the same underlying reality, which is atheism.


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" The deepest roots of totalitarianism are not the mere absence of ballot boxes, but the curtailing of rationality, the ultimate denial of reason’s scope and depth. If there is no transcendent, immutable truth that our reason has access to, then there is no immutable ethics determined by reason, and political authority is in a position to define for itself the right and the wrong. Ethics and culture become subsumed by politics."

'The attempted criticism will be interpreted along the lines of the class/ race/ gender triumvirate. The state need not even get involved in 'exposing' such critics.'

These quotes are really just reminders to self of some Eureka moments.

The amount of study that you do Stegiel is phenomenal.

Mind you I prefer to read stuff that's over my head than under.

The WEFers have threatened us with a new one religion. Any thoughts on that?

I guess first there will be Bible and Koran etc burning.

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The Papacy is busy busy busy working to do so. One might argue that Green will be WEF faith. In an SF piece I am working on from time to time a Greta becomes the Prophet.

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I have not read any Substacks on the subject.

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I was imagining something quite different.

Something pagan with a new creation myth. Oh, with a bit of satanic imagery for sure.

These Abrahamic religions are not very *inclusive*.

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CBDC will kill all that is good or beautiful; only functionality will prevail:


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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022Liked by Stegiel

This video is really good and still very revealing news today, the analysis is excellent, yet this video has only been viewed on YouTube 1,759 times so far since 26 January 2021, which is simply tragic. Man's epitaph might well read; 'so lazy, could not even be bothered to think, died from deliberately created ignorance and, it has to be said, deliberately created apathy due to falling for maliciously created government disinformation', thinking of the CIA Director William Casey, 1981-1987, who just had to be a hostile foreign power military intelligence agent like from SPECTRE for instance, infiltrated to literally attack the American people, deadly intent on destroying the target population, who said; “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” I mean, who else would say that but quite literally an infiltrated member of a hostile foreign power military intelligence organization?

Even when death is coming at people, the vast majority just won't think, and rather prefer to let others who they are told must surely know more than they do, better than they do, do all their thinking and decision-making for them, behaving like little primary school children really, which is exactly where most 'grown-ups' are today, you know, the idiots who line up for death jabs in America and Russia, as both the so-called leaders of America and Russia really follow the same WEF NWO plans, despite the fake assurances of Putin, who is a very good actor just like Zelensky is, while injecting their soldiers with the death jab poison, like they are all intended to die by one means or another by those who are faking being their genuine leaders.

A demonic worldwide NWO hostile foreign power military occupation government has been very steadily infiltrated into position in most nations today, so well in fact, that people, for the most part, will not even entertain the notion that such a thing might be possible. The sad truth is that the so-called governments deliberately destroying the world today are doing so according to very well thought-out military plans while maintaining totally non-transparent government programs and zero accountability to the public, fake election results, constant instigation of totally needless wars, constant poisoning of the environment, constant fake foods, constant fake medicines, constant denial of genuine medicines, constant fake education, constant fake history, constant fake science, constant defraudment through a usurious monetary system that includes other more fraudulent processes like fractional reserve banking that enable banks to lend out 10 times more money than they possess through mortgage loans for instance, then demand 3 times the face value of the initial total loan amount back with interest over 25 years or so, with the result that the victim does not just pay back 3 times what he thinks he borrowed, but a staggering 30 times back what he really borrowed, and that is largely what creates inflation in the first place.

Such infiltrated hostile enemy power politicians posing as benevolent government members in many nations today are doing nothing other than bulldozing the subjugated captive slave populations of those nations right over the edge of a cliff, so that the lands of those being gradually murdered can ultimately be taken over by the people of those agents organizing the mass killings.

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I agree. This is the problem of freedom. We are free to not be free. I am unemployed, became unemployed 6 months prior to Covid when the company went out of business.

Now when Covid vaccines became mandated I was unemployed so I had no choice to make of quitting or staying. I had zero faith in either the illness or the remedy so I remain the old Adam. However no one I know who had a job chose to not vaccinate. Now one has stage 4 Liver and stage 4 Pancreatic cancer. Five or six others have had a mild case of Covid despite full vaccination. And I know some others retired who also have Covid after full vaccination.


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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022Liked by Stegiel

People don't want to admit to being conned.

They've been conned in that way too.

Another aspect of freedom is thinking that one doesn't need to police being free.

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Oops, I forgot to watch the video.

Personally I prefer the written word.

Good comment mothman.

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Here's a few good lines, that in reading the above, I gave pause to and hoped I would recall.

"mega pharmaceutical cartel (the WHO)"

"If the military industry needs wars, the pharmaceutical industry needs diseases.'

"one ‘follows the science’ while pretending not to know that ‘science follows the money’ "

"power tends to delude itself about its omnipotence."

We, on the receiving end of all the propaganda tend to be short of labelling power, and end up not being able to counteract the predators' cleverness with double speak.

We are just isolated individuals, sorting things out for ourselves. (With help from Substack.)

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This isolation is one level. Perhaps truth creates community.

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