All my life, from childhood, the unshakeable ominous feeling that there was something very dark and shadowy in the air; my parents and relatives with their 40 yard stares, as often as not, and their devotion to following the rules, compliance to all laws. Perhaps I sensed that they knew they were bowing to false authority, but they never said as much. The governmental timeline you describe would be what I would discuss with them, were they alive now. Perhaps my elder brothers and sisters would appreciate it. One never knows.

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My father was a Republican. I used to tell him how the Republicans were becoming the less-left wing of the Uniparty. I got that 40 yard stare. I wonder if he would believe it today if he were alive.

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thanks RF....I guess I feel 'lucky' to get to see exposed how very ugly and stupid the Uniparty here and especially in the UK really is. Watching the western world powers commit full on suicide is quite something, whilst they are successfully killing us off one by one, myriad ways now. (btw Sus-tack has removed my ability to 'like' comments, no explanation, just not allowed for me anymore). So, now I take the time to say hello and thanks. best from OR

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Bizzare Substack bans comments.

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No, well, not that i have noticed, but just my ability to like another's comment. I can still like the overall post. It's a favor, really, I like not being able to like comments, it is a cheap way out and we shouldn't be helping them coagulate our data and simplify us, anyway, right? thanks S

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I can only say I was by 1967 on the road out of America. By 1977 drowning in it a confirmed cynical. By 1987 decided that resistance was the only choice and by 2007 found it hopeless and today accept the consequences of resistance are necessary for it to happen at all so hope against despair. My hope is outliving the madness wits intact.

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