This is done for GRAPHENE BLOCKCHAIN because CBDC is BASED on this:



World Government Summit 2022: What Pippa Malmgren is talking about is BLOCKCHAIN and digital currencies

“We are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly,

we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new one; the new accounting is what we call blockchain…

It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.”



Covid is NOT A VIRUS - it is oxidative stress caused by toxicity of graphene in masks, tests, flu shots, sprayed, in food, in water - it is being put in everything


All these are toxic, including these:

These DECLARED ingredients are for RESEARCH USE ONLY (RUO)!!!

http://www.delta-f.com/details/894778 ALC-0315; 2036272-55-4

Delta supplies ALC-0315; 2036272-55-4 only for scientific research and not for human treatment, drug development or other commercial use.

Delta supplies ALC-0159(CAS:1849616-42-7) for scientific research only and cannot be used for human treatment, drug development, or other commercial purposes.


SM-102 for research use only (RUO)

Products in the RUO class, such as SM-102 (item no. 33474), are intended for in vitro or animal (exploratory or preclinical) use only.


Graphene is toxic for pregnancies and in higher doses causes sterilization:


However, the pregnant mice had abortions at all doses, and most pregnant mice died when the high dose of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was injected during late gestation. Notably, the development of offspring in the high dosage group was delayed during the lactation period. The high dose of GO decreased the maternal mice’s water consumption by oral exposure, which reduced milk production and thus postponed the growth of offspring. Though the findings indicate that GFNs are potentially harmful to development, but data on reproductive and developmental toxicity are still deficient.

Graphene Oxide adhered to and was wrapped in the chorion of the zebrafish embryos, causing remarkable hypoxia and hatching delay.

Long Covid is simply oxidative stress caused by toxicity of used substances - graphene and all other toxic substances

Same for amyloidosis:


How graphene affects the misfolding of human prion protein: A combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study

They're hiding ingredients, call is a military secret but the reason behind this scam is simply CBDC


And if you look at the page where the Chinese company lists ALC-0159 and ALC-0315, there is a mention (literally on the same page) what this company Delta-F produces, such as:

graphene or graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, etc.

Over 140 killed in Halloween stampede in Seoul | ABS-CBN News

At least 153 people have been killed and 82 others were injured after the stampede in Seoul on Saturday night, according to local fire authorities.

Look at this contract from September 2021 between Pfizer/BioNTech and the Republic of Slovenia


“..the latest of these contracts (dated 28 of Sept 2021) contains the following statement in Article 1 (it's on page 17/25 of the scanned document)

"The ...State further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known.”

It was NEVER a VIRUS that harmed people. They were poisoned with nanotechnology and that's why they died or got all the horrific "Covid" symptoms like blood clots, organ failure, etc. Because they had ACUTE OXIDATIVE STRESS!!!

Of course, in addition to graphene, there are other toxic substances and metals and peptides in these injections, but THAT IS DONE FOR BLOCKCHAIN for the Internet of Bodies, Viruses, Things and Everything, for a "carbon footprint" - based on graphene and other semiconductor-nano sensors

This is exactly why Ursula Von der Leyen bought 10!!!! TEN DOSES for every EU member, including just-born children - she bought 4.6 billion doses of Pfizer per head


HOW LONG WILL WE PUT UP WITH THIS CRIME???????? How long will they keep murdering people for their crazy plans?

Let them show the full list of ingredients - here is the causal link to these "vaccines" and injuries lies


From the beginning, this is nanotechnology pandemic and not a viral pandemic - but yes, people poisoned by this nanotechnology - especially those with already underlying oxidative stress have become very susceptible to infection.

They have low saturation because they have acute oxidative stress. Free and oxy radicals need to be addressed. Instead, they get antiviral drugs, often toxic ones as well. All they really need are powerful antioxidants.

Same for "long Covid". It is oxidative stress, acute oxidative stress.

It is extremely dangerous not to address this oxidative stress because acute oxidative stress causes DNA destruction, apoptosis (cell death), blood clots, organ failure, strokes and all the other nearly 1,300 injuries on Pfizer's Post Marketing Experience list, including death.

You see, I'm not denying Covid. But it is a misdiagnosed disease. It's not a virus. It's oxidative stress and acute oxidative stress, which is at the beginning of all other diseases.

"One of the most experienced free-radical researchers, the Japanese biochemist Yukie Niwa, estimates that at least 85% of chronic and degenerative diseases result from oxidative damage."

This is the COMMON FACTOR between all these Covid outcomes/injuries and "vaccine" injuries: OXIDATIVE STRESS.

This is all due to the toxicity of NANOTECHNOLOGY.

But yes, Jessieca is right, amyloidosis is ALSO a result of this oxidative stress, use of nanotechnology and EMF.

There are factors that trigger an increase in amyloid plaque formation: EMF is mentioned, but also PH, temperature, UV light, etc.



Graphene is in everything now - just type in masks - graphene - images into google - you will see that all masks, all contain graphene.

No, you don't inhale graphene - that's Covid, and at work that would be called OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE


Mind control system for human interfaces


The present invention relates to a mind control system for controlling a human using a brain wave map and a genetic map. According to the present invention, the mind control system comprises: a nano-electronic chip (NEC) inserted or attached to a human body to transmit and receive a wireless signal; at least one nano-biosensor (NBS) for transmitting an electrical signal generated from the NEC to nerve cells and human cells, and embedded or connected to the NEC for sensing biometric information; and a main super computer (MSC) for transmitting the wireless signal to the NEC to arbitrarily control the nerve cells and genes of the human body, and also used in wired Internet. According to the present invention, a cranial nerve can be controlled such that the physically handicapped can perform an intended action.

Also, the mind control system of the present invention is expected to be used for a trading means and a financial transaction including confirmation of personal identification.

That's what these injections are really for - for CBDC - and that's why we have a "pandemic" and "the only way out of it is these injections"


and of course the Internet of Bodies (Things, Viruses and Everything), Carbon footprint, biometrics, etc.


How toxic it is you see around you - you see how many people have been murdered and maimed



Understanding The Graphene Blockchain Ecosystem - Follow My Vote https://followmyvote.com/understanding-the-graphene-blockchain-ecosystem/


What is Graphene? — Graphene Documentation documentation (gph.ai) https://docs.gph.ai/en/latest/technology/what_graphene.html

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Graphene is a technology supported by next generation entrepreneurs, investors, and developers with a common interest in finding free market solutions by leveraging the power of globally decentralized consensus and decision making. Consensus technology has the power to do for economics what the internet did for information. It can harness the combined power of all humanity to coordinate the discovery and aggregation of real-time knowledge, previously unobtainable. This knowledge can be used to more effectively coordinate the allocation of resources toward their most productive and valuable use.

Bitcoin is the first fully autonomous system to utilize distributed consensus technology to create a more efficient and reliable global payment network. The core innovation of Bitcoin is the Blockchain, a cryptographically secured public ledger of all accounts on the Bitcoin network that facilitates the transfer of value from one individual directly to another. For the first time in history, financial transactions over the internet no longer require a middle man to act as a trustworthy, confidential fiduciary.

Graphene looks to extend the innovation of the blockchain to all industries that rely upon the internet to provide their services. Whether its banking, stock exchanges, lotteries, voting, music, auctions or many others, a digital public ledger allows for the creation of distributed autonomous companies (or DACs) that provide better quality services at a fraction of the cost incurred by their more traditional, centralized counterparts. The advent of DACs ushers in a new paradigm in organizational structure in which companies can run without any human management and under the control of an incorruptible set of business rules. These rules are encoded in publicly auditable open source software distributed across the computers of the companies’ shareholders, who effortlessly secure the company from arbitrary control.

Graphene does for business what bitcoin did for money by utilizing distributed consensus technology to create companies that are inherently global, transparent, trustworthy, efficient and most importantly profitable.

Graphene has went through many changes and has done its best to stay on top of blockchain technology.

Welcome to Graphene…. The most advanced & scalable Blockchain… | by Graphene | Medium https://getgraphene.medium.com/welcome-to-graphene-e64730851964

What is Graphene?

With the potential capacity to process over 100,000 transactions per second, Graphene is a revolutionary Blockchain architecture which makes use of sharding technology and the CASPER consensus protocol.

2018: Graphene meets Blockchain

GraphenTech comes to market as the world’s first blockchain company based on graphene material. Through their 77G coin, GraphenTech is financing the development of their proprietary technologies which will enable the industrial production of graphene.

World Economic Form states: Ten years ago this all sounded like science fiction. But governments have since invested nearly US$ 70 billion in nanotechnology research, eager to be at the forefront of this revolution. This will be like the shift from horses to the internal combustion engine, or from vacuum tubes to silicon chips; a transformation enabling new industries to flourish.

As you may know European Union and the United States spent billions on Graphene FlagShip, on Human Brain Project and U.S. BRAIN Initiative

In 2014, almost 800 neuroscientists wrote an open letter to the European Commission saying that “the HBP is not a well-conceived or implemented project and that it is ill suited to be the centerpiece of European neuroscience.” A year later, a mediation committee agreed with the critics, asking the HBP to refocus its efforts “on a smaller number of properly prioritized activities” and to retool its unorthodox governance structure.



By now, you have likely heard words like "bitcoin" and "blockchain," perhaps even "Ethereum," and wondered what they all mean.

Do they refer to something useful, and if so, how would you go about using it?

This article is intended to put meaning behind these words and others, by highlighting one instance of the technology behind the concepts.

Blockchain, like many other technologies supported and used by OCI, is middleware. It is not an end in itself; rather it is the means to an end.

Blockchains are useful in the way databases are, storing data and allowing its manipulation, but with a twist. Data is stored in a blockchain as an immutable record of transactions. Integrity of the chain is maintained through the use of an algorithm, which verifiably links each new block to the history of blocks that precede it back to the origin of the chain.

Graphene, an Open Source, mostly C++, blockchain implementation was originally developed as the foundation of Bitshares, a cryptocurrency exchange marketplace.

The Graphene source is available in numerous variations, as it has been forked and adapted many times. The original release is managed by an organization known as Cryptonomex.

Graphene is interesting because it is Open Source, but also because it was developed in a modular fashion, making it adaptable to many different uses.

In addition to Bitshares, Graphene serves as the blockchain foundation for Steemit.com, a news aggregation site similar in concept to reddit.com and PeerPlays.com, a gaming site.

FollowMyVote.com is another example of a service built on the Graphene blockchain. FollowMyVote uses Graphene to facilitate secure, yet private, internet-based municipal voting.

There are many other users of Graphene beyond this sample list.



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