And so what do we do, allow these corrupt POS to get away with their heavy handed mandates again so that they control the narrative?

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I believe that this is called governance and that the people accept that the vote for unaccountable governance is the best choice for them. People like to be told what to do. They want to be absolved from self determination. I see the problem is that people refuse to resist. Where are our Maquis our open resistance? We have talkers and writers but no fighters

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I believe that J6 was the flash point for dissent and censorship with a heavy hand. D.C. was sending a message that if you ever now and in the future protest the outcome of any election you will be charged. That defines a totalitarian Government, I believe, use fear and intimidation.

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J-6 is an abomination. Acceptable in the eyes of far too many and yes it is intended to strangle dissent. However no one makes political gain from denouncing J-6. And gain and loss is the guiding light of politics. No one denounces the deep state in politics with any success. Even as Bird Flu comes in to repeat 2020 we will see mass capitulation. The People are no longer able to find truth defeats the lie,.and so they determine gain rests in obedience. The phenomenon was discussed in Weimar by Wilhelm Reich's Listen Little Man.

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That is why are politicians are corrupt, weak, feckless, perverted and useless POS! We are not receiving a return on our tax dollars from our politicians. This is a repeat of the Roman Empire!

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I think the evidence presents that the sham of self rule is sellable.

Jacques Ellul-I believe that the biblical teaching is clear. It always contests political power. It incites to "counterpower," to "positive" criticism, to an irreducible dialogue (like that between king and prophet in Israel), to antistatism, to a decentralizing of the relation, to an extreme relativizing of everything political, to an anti-ideology, to a questioning of all that claims either power or dominion (in other words, of all things political), and finally, if we may use a modern term, to a kind of "anarchism" (so long as we do not relate the term to the anarchist teaching of the nineteenth century).

Elsewhere Ellul writes "Our world is entirely directed toward action. Everything is interpreted in terms of action, nothing is more beautiful than action, and people are always looking for slogans, programs, ways of action; indeed our world is so obsessed by activity that it is in danger of losing its life. We know that the great slogan of all dictatorships is this—action for the sake of action. . . .

At the same time our world tends to eliminate, almost wholly, the life of the individual. By the formation of masses, by the artificial creation of myths, by standardizing our living, and so on, there is a general movement toward uniformity, which leads man more and more to forget himself as he is caught up in the general tendency of our mechanical civilization. A man who spends all his time in action by that very fact ceases to live."

Not technology, then, in Ellul’s view, not even industrialism or capitalism, but political action is the ambience within which man is most likely to have his individuality eroded or possibly even destroyed.


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All I can say is that the Amish were way ahead of their time! They are the perfect example of simplicity and a love for God!

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Cuban Communist Alejandro Mayorkas is making sure that we're silenced (possibly permanently) if we dare to question the 2024 election. Marc Elias is beaming with pride, his thugs are in place to steal yet another election. The J6ers are political prisoners, they're stuck in gulags. Ironically, Mayorkas privileged parents ran away from a brutal dictatorship- and their son not only embraced said dictatorship in 2014 but is now emulating them. The privileged Mayorkas failed to raise little Alejandro to be antiCommunist.

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Yup, I found that out from a friend of mine who is from Cuba and whose father and uncle were taken as prisoners in 1969 for not being communist. He remembers when that happened.

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Mayorkas is a disgrace, the most dangerous Cuban Communist in the US, more dangerous than the current Cuban President whose family lives in Miami and own businesses in Florida.

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I agree! Like my Cuban friend says; there is nothing worse than a communist! Obama, Clinton's, Sanders, Soros, Bidens are all communist on display!

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