best theory I have heard is that FED wants to crash the market when they have a president to blame it on. So The smart money is shorting the way down after November 5 to the big one around inaugeration.

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Sep 6Liked by Stegiel

I can say I have never coveted air conditioning, or convenience foods, appliances or automated life. Every convenience brings it's own eventual imbalance or waste.

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Brave would not show this link.....perhaps no surprise.... https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/11/25/maurice-strong-and-the-roots-of-the-great-reset-agenda/

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Sep 6Liked by Stegiel

I tried just strategic-culture. org and site unavailable

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I will post the rest of the piece. I wonder if Wayback Machine works to pull it.

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I can’t download the link

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I have the bulk if not all the text. I’ll see if it is in hypertext. I tried to with chrome and it didn’t work.

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