"The West has realized everything of Marxism, except its messianic hope."

Marxism consisted of:

- messianic utopian hope

- the claim that violent revolution would destroy the current system and the totalitarian government that replaced it would install the utopia

We got the government control, but the utopian socialist hope was probably always a lie. The servitude of the people to communist rulers was always the plan.

That was clear in in 1912.

"…all those things in the true Socialist’s demand which are compatible with the Servile State can certainly be achieved. The first steps towards them are already achieved. They are of such a nature that upon them can be based a further advance in the same direction, and the whole Capitalist State can be rapidly and easily transformed into the Servile State."

Hilaire Belloc, The Servile State (1912)

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Yes, all of these ideologies must fail because we are not matter, so no amount of material goods in any of these ideologies will satisfy a human being. They also do not determine the true purpose of life.

They are all utopian. Only some of them are more authoritarian than others and cause even more suffering.

It's called the blind leading the blind - oh, let's go this way!

The goal of human life is self-realization and to know and love the ABSOLUTE - God. But many do not understand the magnificence of this offer...

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Man-Godhood is ego inflation. This is not the humility of God-Manhood. Self idolatry is Man-God.

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I wasn't talking about any of these combinations.

But yes, many roads don’t lead where they should.

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Ah the road I took was the ABSOLUTE and you are right regarding magnificence. The idea nudged me to Solovyov. He asserted, by his concept of Godmanhood, that the unique intermediary between the world and God could only be man, who alone is the vital part of nature capable of knowing and expressing the divine idea of “absolute unitotality” in the chaotic multiplicity of real experience. Consequently, the perfect revelation of God is Christ’s incarnation in human nature.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agoLiked by Stegiel

God is in 3 persons - God the Father, i.e. The Supreme Lord, the Holy Spirit - i.e. the expansion of the Lord in our heart - and the Son - the spiritual master, the self-realized person who is bestowed with the potential by God to represent Him. Jesus went to John the Baptist, although the latter did not consider himself worthy to have the thongs tied at his sandals - but the master has a master - and if I remember correctly, this disciple succession or order was from Melchizedek

But it is the Lord Himself who is the Supreme Spiritual Master

"The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind: ‘You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek." (Psalm 110:4)

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Mussolini disavowed Marx in 33... Corporate took over.

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i dint know that...thx

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13 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoLiked by Stegiel

The eye, the brain, such a miraculous system, with so many variables between different people and animals. Where the eyes are and what they can see. That we all 'learn' to see in the first place, depth of field, bumps on the head or shin. At the seashore, my neck gets cramped from constantly looking down for rocks or shells at my feet. I tend to focus on the minute over the expanse, though I have become more able to do the latter as I age. That old story of how the native peoples could not see the europeans' ships because such ships where not in their known world. The implications are so staggering.

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Attention is alive. Humans striving to pay attention to 10,000 things from 12 directions toss attention away.

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