
The integral accident and now horror. The center does not hold and the rough beast of people's seems an admixture and pre-Abrahamic, back to Egyptian bondage with a cybernetic eye of Ra.

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«With so much riding on expertise and organization, it would have been surpris-ing if some of the public’s anxiety did not focus on the capabilities of scientists and government officials. Besides the possibility of actually becoming ill and dying, there was the chance that those in charge might not be trustworthy or would fail in their appointed tasks. People who felt the danger was not great did not deny that it existed, but thought that officials and journalists were emphasizing the worst.

Those who felt extreme action was necessary were responding partly from a sense of skepticism about administrators’ ability to protect them. There was also the recurring fear of social chaos, which itself was an indication

of how much the concern about infectious disease had come to be understood

through the lens of large-scale organizations. The reason to be informed about an impending pandemic was as much to preserve social order as it was to protect life. WHO and CDC updates went not only to the general public via CNN and other news media, but to state and municipal emergency planners, hospitals, medical associations, stockbrokers, and insurance companies.

Some survivalists decided that the only way they could outlast a pandemic was to insulate themselves from all social relations—neighbors, utility companies, supermarkets, schools, doctors. Most people realized they were social creatures bound for better or worse to the social institutions on which they depended for almost everything. In for a penny, in for a pound» (Be Very Afraid The Cultural Response to Terror, Pandemics, Environmental Devastation, Nuclear Annihilation, and Other Threats by Robert Wuthnow (z-lib.org)). PocketBook Reader

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Unfortunately, Dr. Gatti's video interview you referenced was removed by YouTube. I have not looked to see if it is posted on another platform.

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