Wow! What a time machine listening to that song. Here's a tidbit from the YT comments (from a German who researched "this Joe Hill"):

"The fact that Hill was also a songwriter fits well. The fact that Hill was charged with murder and executed is still considered one of the biggest judicial scandals in US history because of the sloppy investigation and important withheld evidence. Even US President Woodrow Wilson called for a retrial. Friends suggested that Hill submit a petition for clemency, which would most likely have been granted. Hill's answer to this: 'It is not mercy that I want, but justice. And if this is not granted to me, I would rather perish than ask for mercy.' His last words before he was fatally shot by several gunshots at the wall in the Salt Lake City prison yard on November 19, 1915 were: Don’t mourn – organize!'"

Many American elites look down upon the Appalachian people, but they have the most fierce and independent spirit of any Americans...including the Bostonians. Certainly the Battle of Blair Mountain proves this point. To tie this idea with Covid, until the people currently incarnating during this cycle on Earth learn to stand up like the Blair Mt. miners and fight for their lives, they'll never defeat the forces arraigned against them. It's liberty and life or death. Americans, for the most part, are extremely afraid of dying which is why so many Hollywood entertainers pimped the Covid injection...one of my biggest disappointments...that former "rebels" could be such pussies in their old age.

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Public eduction helped considerably by Dis-Education. And the common culture of "getting ahead" helped too.

My mother was born in rural Kentucky, Bremen, coal country, her family pioneered with Daniel Boone in 1740's. Her father was county school Superintendent. She went to school in a one room school house though I believe High School was not. She went on to Secretarial School and worked for the Federal government as a typist. I doubt modern kids in good private schools today had as good a foundational education. Let alone public education today. In San Francisco private schools are proud that they need no library when they distribute Ipads for free.

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Very good. I took my eldest to see Joan at Marciac four/five years ago on her last tour... Still relevant.


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