Cathedral Square will be an interesting visit. I think that it's basically still abandoned after the 2011 earthquake.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Stegiel

"There exists a leisure class on both ends of the economic continuum" - thorsten veblen

Ok, but rather than being a rich man, how about being a poor man, and just find a way to get to NZ, and hitch-hike around, and find a source of scratch as needed, stay far away from Auckland such GOV 15-min citys, ,but if you get way out in the bush you should have no problem living well off the grid.

Regarding those wonderful 'maoris', they're big & mean, and would just as soon stomp a haole like a water-buffalo in Africa stomps all humans.

Show respect, but believe me that Maori, don't want or need any honkeys around them.

My preference of course is a cheap sailboat, I say darwin or sydney, find a cheap-cheap sailboat and go sail to NZ, and just live-aboard and check shit out.

The entire idea of spending $8k USD for a tour-bus flight trip to NZ, with a bunch of geriatrics in k-mart 3-wheelers, if that is anybodys idea of 'travel', then well they might want to consider META-GOOGLES, they now have world travel for free, and you can do it all from your couch.


A real cool old gal 'queen of sea kayaking' don't remember her name, but she said "Travel alone, see 100%", travel with two see 50%, travel with 200 in a sardine can bus and see 0.5%; See the pattern yet.

Solo is the only way to see the world, besides when your traveling alone and your pleasant people are MORE than likely to take you in, and couples, never get taken in, and nobody trust a pack of wolves traveling together.


If your just a normal normie, and want to see NZ, I would say it such as take a cheap flight, rent a cheap auto, and drive the south & north islands and just find cheap places to camp, there are always camp grounds everywhere in OZ&NZ; This shit can be done on a few grand budget, and you see way more, for most people their only real problem is TIME.

Which gets back to Thorsten-Veblen above, Only people living at the end of the economic continuum are free in time & space.

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I do love Veblen. Pecuniary emulation and invidious distinction indeed. In 5th grade hell a wonderful book came to me on the South Seas and even more I think than Farley Mowat and "Two Against the North" inspired the 5th grade child. "An Island To Myself." https://annas-archive.org/md5/e5abc93513b1cbf525ad608da3a442ea

Do note merely as an amusing observation I offer the book for free. Amazon for $76.00.

And I offer a video. The Journal of Lingering Sanity ain't the bestest with the mostest to be sure. It is the only posting on Substack that goes one step past the beyond into the totally Surreal.

I read this book in 5th grade. I am convinced 5th-9th grade laid the foundation for my freedom. 1967-1971. If I had the big bucks right, I'd visit the Stinson Beach LSD therapist and grok it all walking in the midnight moonlight on Muir beach waiting for the Seals to bring me truth. And if I am right no Seals would visit. https://www.yeatsvision.com/Phases.html

I do wish the book was 1,000 pages longer--the visit to Anchorage Island just wasn't long enough. I think that Mr Neale mixed a perfect amount of detail and reverie into the story. One person (the only person) who gave the book 1 star complained that the book was not philosophical enough. I get that--but when you see what comsumed Tom's day, fishing, farming, protecting from the elements, cleaning, machining various fixes, navigating between the various motus, etc., you get a feel for the truth of this existence more than you would if he had taken frequent litereary trips. And you get enough of his "philosophy" when he explains his various longings, losses, and dashed hopes.

It is remarkable that this story is being passed down through the decades with virtually 0 publicity or corporate push. This is testament to the innate wanderer in all of us. As a fellow reader we now have a sort of kinship.

By the way--someone produced this short video retrospective that you may enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q4HIvEqwNA

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Stegiel

Yep, about that age I remember read the island classic

Typee Herman Melville

That book blew me away, and made me want to build a cardboard ship and sail away, :)

honorable mention

The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific

by J. Maarten Troost


There's another book, but I don't remember any but the title "Ways of the sacred", about the entire world history of cannibalism & the occult;


For all you prisoners of "CALIF" of course there is still Dana's, "Two years before the Mast", first intellectual type to document the real california before it was destroyed by gold-rush infestation. But the same idea, the joys of sailing around the world;

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Melville is greatly under appreciated. Greatly. The Confidence Man should be required reading in Grammar School. Moby can wait till Senior Year of High School. At that age after being exposed to the absurd sex curriculum sharing a bed with a Cannibal would be far superior to sharing a bed with a Christian.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Stegiel

I think that 'cannibal' is just a term of denigration, most native cannibalism in south-asia, or africa was a ceremonial post war act; Not like in anglo-saxon world where human flesh was just 'meat'


I think 'cannibalism' term is just used by western missionarys ( common criminals as seen in Hawaii ) to justify the rape&rob of the natives.

Dehumanize every fucking time.


Of course eventually if you piss the natives off enough, you get your wish they kill you, and maybe eat you, but then you deserved it


I remember famous storys in AFRICA where the villages would always KILL the christian missionary's, eventually they sent in some investigators to ask "WHY do you kill the missionary's"

To which the tribal leaders would say "These people come here, talk shit about this life bad, and life after death GOOD, we just help those dumb pathetic morons, send them to their 'heaven' early".

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The Druids converted quickly.

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Yep I agree I remember as a child that Typee (melville) was super easy to read, not unlike most of Mark-Twain ( who also wrote a book about Hawaii )


Yes, Melville's "Moby Dick" is strange, like reading socrates & plato, you have to be really mind-trained to immerse, not an easy journey; I suspect that Typee, like Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe was really written to motivate kids about the world out there, but "Moby Dick" not really sure who the intended audience ??? :)


Sex with Cannibals would not have been all that bad, they only ate their enemys, so long as you were good with them, I doubt they would have eaten you during the sex

Most tribes in INDONESIA or Africa they ate the warriors so they could be stronger, not so much as a source of food, but for fighting, the idea absorbing the other warrior tribes strongest;

Lots of tribes offered their women for sex, even Dana's "two years before the mast', notes that native-indians would come out to the dinghy's and offer their wives&daughters for sex; Eskimos would offer their wives to keep a guest 'warm'. There are a ton of tribes in sourth-china "Yunan", that still let the daughters fuck every guy in the village, so she can decide who to marry, and the kid stays at the girls house, to decide if he can live with that family. Divorce is unheard of.


The book 'ways of sacred' on the other hand mentioned as late as 1100AD that in Scotland human-flesh was openly sold in markets, and during HOLOMODOR 1932 in Ukraine, also human-flesh was openly sold, being the only 'meat' available

The real cannibals are the anglo-saxons, 3 days of hunger to cannibalism every time

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Thanks for all the good advice.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

The gal just came to my mind "Audrey Sutherland", she paddled the BC/Alaskan coast alone, and she was based out of Molakai ( hawaii ), she wrote lots of books including adventures down-under if I remember correctly


Of course if your going to take the 'sailing' approach ( better in my mind ), then read Tristan-Jones, "One hand for the ship, One hand for yourself", and know that a sea-kayak is just a poor-mans sailboat, but in actuality a good sea-kayak costs more than a used sailboat;

The best of both worlds is to store your sea-kayak on your sailboat and use the sea-kayak to explore.

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Beautiful New Zealand…God’s own country!

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There's an argument from a long time ago about whether it is better to live in a harsh environment or a nice temperate one. I think that harsh won that one.

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In recent times now expressed as Godzone!

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