May 4Liked by Stegiel

"The global money elite does not play favorites"


The word " country" is obsolete now more than ever.

"progressive regionalization"

Yes, globalists controlled regions are what the Goyim believe are independent

" countries"

Love your work.

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This really is the question isn't it? I find myself swerving between the two arguments. The wholesale adoption of the Scamdemic narrative certainly lends credence to the Putin is part of the game argument. However, there are always nuances, factional infighting and changes of tack. Historical analysis as you outline also would support the homogenous, global, moneyed cabal planning and execution of population reduction hypothesis but that assumes a consistent view of the world by each participant. I'm not sure if there isn't some divergence of interest appearing as all jockey for positions in the New World Order. This is the problem with burning the old and crying havoc, dogs are unruly when set on others...

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Thanks for the article, Stegiel. Last year, I encountered a Substack by someone closely following the Ukraine War...supposedly of Russian descent. I read many of his substacks and arrived at the same conclusion Rhoda (Is she the author?) did. No question exists in my mind that Russia has been subsumed as has China. Russia has a central bank. I believe differences in approaches can be explained by different factions within The Families gaining control. Remember, too, "they're" not monolithic nor omnipotent. They roll with the punches and are extremely adept at seizing opportunities as they arise. When they see their opening, they fully commit which those who imagine opposing them aren't able to do at this point in time. So, when nations present opportunities to them, they love playing both sides so some may believe one nation is a "savior" while another thoroughly "evil."

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Today was amusing myself with Zero Hedge. If you have an interest in not mainstream opinion the website is excellent. In any case here is-I was reading on Zero Hedge about “stores of value” today regarding Gold vs. Bitcoin and all comers vs. Cash Dolla. A fascinating question. Henry Miller asked that question too. https://www.themarginalian.org/2014/08/04/henry-miller-on-money/. What do you think? Are stores of value only monetary? https://youtu.be/FDWRZEd3Ouc

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I read ZeroHedge everyday, Stegiel. I participated in their comments for several years after I red pilled in 2015. ZeroHedge freaked out at one point and began tightening up their control over the comments when they began receiving financial hits. I stopped posting at that time as I liked the free-for-all the comments had been. In those days, they were sometimes absolutely off the charts...I couldn't believe what people would say...and they were mostly male which thoroughly delighted me. Unadulterated, completely unvarnished males talking. I still smh remembering.

As to financial matters, Stegiel, I'm useless. Totally. I'm the peculiar person who never wanted wealth nor power. I stumbled through life never planning retirement and only barely succeeded in doing so.

I have no clue as to how digital coinage works on blockchains, etc. I learned an incredible amount about financial institutions and how the financial system works by reading ZeroHedge in my early days. I didn't understand the vocabulary and couldn't fathom certain processes simply because my mind never cared or valued those subjects. I learned painfully slowly enough to speak reasonably on an issue and understand fractional reserve banking.

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I’m a reader of Hedge for at least ten years and I know nothing about digital. But I’m learning to know something

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Endless war.

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More like Paint it Black. 😅

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