
Thanks all for good wishes. Kaiser Limbo merged into Twilight Zone. In ER I had 20 minutes with my wife and chatted with the doc. Politely I stepped into lobby to have her daughter talk with Mom and I expected in 30 mins to go back in. Mistake. Daughter took over. Refused to leave room. One at a time permitted. I waited one hour and politely enquired of guard if he could ask Daughter to step out so I could speak to wife. She would not budge. At 90 minutes I did the same. At 120 minutes I spoke to nurse. At 125 minutes I was kicked out of Kaiser waiting room and sent packing. I was furious. Head nurse, a beefy gay male took an instant antipathy to me but warmly loved Daughter. I came home. Phone dead now charging. I use wife's phone to call Daughter. MRI of head. Light morphine for neck pain. Awaiting some information on MRI results. Daughter said she would let me know, and doctor did too. I anticipate her having a night in hospital and I not allowed to be in her room. I asked Daughter to let me know and if discharged bring her home as cab money is a bit more than our reserves. At least I am job hunting and for unknown reasons getting various folks interested in me. More in fact than all year to date. Had to cancel a very nice work from home interview today and reset for Monday. Trouble comin' every day.

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La Lucha Continua. From a vantage point rooted in my right brain rationalism and my left brain Cold War USA freak out over Hybrid-Super Capitalism and the Occult I face my wife's medical confinement and my Daughter In Law. KP.org last night insisted nothing could dislodge the daughter from the mother and after my objections kicked me out on the cold city streets like riff raff for daring to request visit rules require two hours maximum. In a certain sense this was good. "Wither I sit is hell" and hospital hell as limbo in the age of smart phones and computers if you are not able to be present is quite an ordeal. At home I collect my thoughts. In the morning I arrive at 10:30 AM. At first I am not allowed in. No Visitors. Finally after strong interaction with alien life through glass a nurse escorts me to see my wife. I am there for the hoped for Discharge. A doctor, a physical therapist, and a Discharge Planner are to proffer their opinions. Two do. Then arrives the Daughter escorted in. I smile inwardly. I forsee what comes next. We have to ask you to go 2 hour limit on visit if others are waiting. Last night this policy was not enforced! Today it is. I am contemplating well the chess board. The Daughter is now in control of the medical outcome. I have been shunted aside. So far, the outcome is unfolding also as expected. Judith cannot come home. Tonight she is in the hospital. Perhaps longer somewhere else. It is possible she has to be vaccinated if placed into a non-hospital facility. Greatly concerned because her daughter is boosted and beloved thereby by Satan....

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Feeling for you. Hope the seasonal aggravations diminish as soon and as nicely as possible.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Stegiel

Here's hoping you lead the charge out of the hospital soon. Hospitals are not to be trusted, and good healthy living is. Sorry for the predicament, but with you in charge, better days are ahead!

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Dear Stegiel I'm so sorry to be reading about your ordeal. Hope to hear a good news soon. All the best, praying for you both Marta

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Though I do not know you from Adam, I send you what I might in the form of encouragement to withstand the urges to annihilate the charlatans and pimps.

Sanity intervening in such instance sounds about as likely as the 11th Armored Cavalry Div. charging to the rescue, so I humbly ask that your wife be protected from the butchers, one and all.

Farewell, the both of you, and may the Good Medicine find the mark!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Stegiel

This is an awful dilemma. I have been there myself when my husband had a serious spinal accident when surfing. It was 10 years of living in a medical bubble.

Look after yourself and all love and best wishes to you Judith.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Stegiel

Praying she is better soon.

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Tomorrow is Kaiser health month 3. Judith is home for two months after surgery. Two months of winter in her home have permitted limited recovery. Her memory is there but requires patience.

Energy is here if we do something and paying $50 cab transportation RT to not use a bus drasticially alters doing much outside but our garden.

One month more of visiting rehab. My goal is having Judith do the steep half block to up Mason to Pine-$10.00 taxi. Garden with no taxi home is a okay. San Francisco is pretty dead. Garden easily fills time with joy.

A slender opportunity arises for my time in a token amount to be reimbursed. I hope June is key pivot for health. . 40 hours a month could buy supplements.

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This evening the full paranoia came on as I sat alone with my wife in the cold sterile room of medical nemesis and suspicion and doubt but not denial overcame me. Denials are legion that the PCR test in itself was dangerous and shed micro-particles. Other questions about PCR test have also been raised in context of home test kits. Last year due to the home test kit Kaiser gave her a PCR test too. Roughly 3 weeks less than a year out she is diagnosed with a fast growing brain cancer which is non malignant but destroying her mobility. Had she been vaccinated I would be unsurprised. Maybe if PCR tested during Covid prudence dictates getting checked out. Blood work say with the dark field. You do not want the expert to murmur as they look at the blood under the breath "what's going on there, what are these spiral objects, and those cone shaped ones with jagged edges and poison sacs?"

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I hope your wife recovers soon and your daughter keeps out of your business. As I’ve mentioned before, the splitting of families over this evil, delusional psyop is one of the worst outcomes. That and the mask and jab to kids are all unforgivable crimes against humanity

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I am very sorry to hear what awfulness you are suffering.

Since when do daughters outrank spouses.

Since Covid I guess.

Is your wife able to talk?

I'm guessing that the daughter is claiming her mother mainly to get at a non jab compliant you.

Using your wife for a tug of war.

Keep yourself well at home, you don't want to sleep in a hell hole hospital anyway.

I've seen it before where a mother is claimed as a prize against a husband.

Such are tragedies written about.

I do feel for your situation.

Reference to the law is probably pointless in these military type hospitals.

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