Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022Liked by Stegiel

I hadn't read Auden on this before, it's really quite powerful.

I have some views on Hektor, his wife, the Greek city states who attacked and whether Achilles only had two choices as well. I tend to sympathy with Hektor.

And yep I am aware that Homer is supposed to be bronze age as well. I've never agreed.

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Simone Weil wrote a powerful book: The Illiad: A Poem of Force. Free online. Homer was a multiplicity of bards. As Shakespeare was a multiplicity. Interestingly in reading Wordsworth we find the fame of Shakespeare's theater eclipsed within a short time by Dryden, and of his reputation not so great as to be mentioned-Wordsworth commenting on the reception of Shakespeare by the period of time prior to the 19th century.

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