Sep 8Liked by Stegiel

this is one of the problems..people buy into "one" narrative to the exclusion of all others?? Yes it was a test of compliance and obediance...it was also a vehicle to accelerate breeding schemes (mass migrant invasion), a tool to proliferate the one "religion" (cult) that is still basically a hive mind of control, subjugation and slavery..islam, to the detriment of other theologies. It was also a means of gaining (stealing) unknown trillions of tax payers money, which will never be traced or recovered, to enable the megalomaniacs to never suffer financial losses. And another aspect..to create generations who have no alternative but to succumbed to their chemical slavery, addiction, custom, (he who controls the drugs controls the people)?? Also atrociously, to remove en masse, the older demographic who would know better and who witness the past to present changes, whilst also ensuring the younger, newer generations cannot breed too much for their liking. It is all strategized, role played, rehearsed...has been perfected over decades, as far back as the first "great war"..

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I recall a couple years ago, before Fox tv cut Tucker Carlson, he interviewed a young female PhD who worked in Wuhan and knew Dr Fauci. She confirmed that the CCP came into the labs and used the outbreak as a bioweapon. It was not just an accident. I wrote her name down as it’s Chinese and I wouldn’t remember but she had to flee China to save her life. Not long after she revealed Covid was a bioweapon, Carlson was fired. Bizarre?

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I recall the head of PRC CDC asserting no virus isolation on ABC. Bizarre? No. Normalcy.

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Sep 8Liked by Stegiel

Truth, no matter how discomfiting, it always comforts me. Humans are so gullible, it's downright embarrassing. Till their not.

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I have to admit it's difficult imagining you listening to DIamada.

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Acquired taste long ago. A different life.

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