A time to be born, a time to die

A time to plant, a time to reap

A time to kill, a time to heal

A time to laugh, a time to weep

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The fundamental cultural problem with 1984 is that far too many unwise Bright Young Things have read it. To be repetitive on a subject that bears revisiting, in the early naughties, I wrote that ‘Today’s Blair Babes have digested the book not as a cautionary tale, but as a blueprint’. I still stick with that judgement.

What we now call cognitive dissonance is directly descended from Orwell’s doublethink; thoughtcrime has a bratish little brother in the shape of hatecrime; our current media lockstep was fathered by newspeak; and the media’s blatantly inaccurate demolitions of first Trump and then Putin represent the epitome of a hate rally.

The plot is too well known to need repeating: suffice to say that the betrayal of Julia and Winston, the rats in Room 101, and “how many fingers am I holding up Winston?” are the stuff of not just prescience and insight, but also a writer at work on his masterpiece.

Those of us in the 1in8 community over the last three years have never stopped being amazed by the lack of discomfort felt by the chattering classes caught in the glaring light of contradictory rationales, monied hypocrisy and obvious propaganda that has typified Covid 19, bioweaponry and Russia’s occupation of Ukraine.

Many of us live in families almost mutually estranged by these issues. Most of us grit our teeth when hearing, “I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for it”. One friend after another has been cast adrift for telling me that I am debasing my talent by “scrambling about in silly conspiracy theories”.

Nobody but nobody saw better how this would pan out than George Orwell – who died shortly after completing the most insightful description of evil (and the cowardice of those who refuse to acknowledge it) of modern times.

Our epoch is not just one of good men doing nothing. The nightmare is, sadly, a dearth of good men prepared to do anything at all.

Does dystopia have a future? Could it get any worse than it is now? What will the next futuristic culturo-civilisation novel foresee?

I suspect the answer to those three questions is yes, yes….and maybe the next Things to Come will predict how this dystopian nightmare reality is, ultimately, doomed.

It is utterly predictable of our species to take by far the most important discovery of this century – graphene – and think of it only in terms of 3D printing….and bioweaponry when combined with mRNA. The first of those would completely destroy entrepreneurial high-employment capitalism driven by skilled human endeavour; the second will guarantee the mutually assured destruction of Homo sapiens once everyone from Tanzania to Tennessee works out how easy DNA mapping is when developing all-out biological war. (Iran, for example, is a country run by mad zealots – but not peopled by scientific idiots: one wonders how long Israel would last once Iran had DNA bombs?)

The second half of the 20th century finally ended for all time the idea that physicality as we see it as human beings is “real”. It is simply an illusion based on our limited spectrum of consciousness. The second half of this century will at last – after 800,000 years – allow us infinite movement around the metaverse without resorting to the cryogenic pods and warp factors we see on TV and at the cinema.

Graphene is right at the centre of this genuinely new frontier, because it offers release from our imprisonment by Einstein’s e = mc². Graphene is so thin, it is within 0.001% of two-dimensionality.

e = mc² is something of a drag when you consider that c² is the speed of light squared, and the speed of light is 300 million miles per second before you even think about squaring it. But if a craft has a mass (m) of as near as damnit zero, then mc² is also as near as damnit zero, because 300 mps x nought is nought.

A traveller could achieve the speed of light with minimal energy use. At the speed of light, Time ceases to exist. You would then exist in an eternity of Now.

It says a great deal about the nutjob transhuman systemicists of Davos, Langley Virginia and the Billionaire Club that they haven’t factored any of this into their “thinking” at all. Bezos, for example, thinks he can live forever based on spare parts. The main reason for this is that they are – down to the last man-jack of them – lacking in any imagination or real scientific vision sufficient to grasp the possibilities for purely human advancement. Rather, they prefer to dabble in claptrap about robotics and “minotaurs” half made of cold steel and half-baked peasants.

The two most common observations made by highly trained pilots in relation to UFO sightings is that (a) the craft accelerated away at a speed far more than enough to reduce it to a cinder in Earth’s atmosphere and (b) they seemed to be capable of appearing and disappearing at will.

Both those abilities are possible if you are effectively two-dimensional.

Let the one-dimensional smuggies chortle behind their hands at such thoughts: we are not alone – we are but one species on one planet in a south eastern corner of our constellation. The dystopian eugenicists are doomed because they are driven by tramline thinking and the narrow, myopic greed of materialism in a Godless world; they want the world to stay Godless so they can carry on believing in their self-assigned Demigod genius.

The obvious fact that they don’t actually like people very much will, in the end, be their undoing. The task of the 1in8 going forward is to act as catalysts for the acceleration of that process.

As some of you will already know, I am partway through a Twitter ban meted out because I “engaged in disinformation”. As I have long predicted, this sort of gratuitous Star Chamber witch-burning will only get worse over time – and so once again I appeal to those defending free speech to join The Slog’s rapidly-growing daily email list by writing to me at jawslog@gmail.com. In the meantime, you can pick up details of all my blogs via the twitter page @MartyrDella, she having most graciously offered to act as a “depot” for Slogposts during the term of my gagging order.

Others of you will have spotted that Mr Elon Musk the infamous electric car ship-jumper and richest man on the Planet has made a $41 billion offer to buy Twitter, taking it private and out of the hands of the Unelected State. We must all choose our Grassy Knolls as we find them

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