Mar 20, 2023Liked by Stegiel

Hey hey...my old man was sleeping in the barracks at Hickam Field when the Japanese did their drive by on us. He never forgave them, no made in Japan in his house, ever. Sansui tuner? Nope. RCA...GE....not even Honda or Toyota.

Mitsubishi built all the Japanese planes that shot at us, he could not let that go.

I forgive the soldiers, all of them, in the interest of justice.

I honor their Zen Traditions, they sure have been good for me.

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I hear you. I didn’t know my family history ( neither did my family) until recently either. There is a tragedy there for the telling! Didn’t know a relative had been at Hiroshima after the bombing until recently. I did know my uncle was shot down over Germany, spent the war in a Stalag and came home to participate in Stalag 17. Hope y’all are serializing a book here. There is a lot to tell.

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