
I base my science on China. They pulled a great stunt. Sick people got a PCR test. China goes to a weaponized gene bank built with US help. Bingo it's now Covid. And the rest is history. For all anyone can say the sick with PCR test verification have psychosomatic illness or flu or the Andromeda Strain.

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Stegiel

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern turned out to be very controlling not only regarding Covid but also other issues such as water infrastructure which is to be taken off councils and given to big regional authorities. She won the last general election in a landslide, but her popularity has plummeted. Since she has been in power the economy has been damaged and so has the general wellbeing of the population. She is popular overseas, but not at home.

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"People think the State is as infallible as a Pope."

Amazing how those two have seemed to "come together."

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Both 19th century concepts.

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Not sure that Covid doesn't exist though! Plenty of people, including myself have had symptoms. Sure, not as bad or when the authorities said. Around Dec 2019/Jan2020. Otherwise, think this is a great article.

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