13 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoLiked by Stegiel

In 6th grade, our teacher decided 'as an experiment' that we should all give ourselves a 'royal' name, such as King Kevin, Queen Cathy or Lord Micheal etc. You had to refer to people by their chosen name. (Was the teacher prescient?) After a day of that I decided it was really offensive and I would not go to school. In the end, the class 'voted' (without my vote, I was at home) to stop the stupid experiment. I was the only kid who would not bow, participate, so to speak. I am still proud, at 60. Your post addresses the simple question, why did I, as only one child in 30, reject the new imposed order? Because I am different than my peers, and was so at the age of 12. Part mule, is what I was told.

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Today the teacher would assign gender affirming pronouns. “Our class today is Knowing and Using a person’s preferred pronoun. So important! Pronoun trumps everything so more so than name class! Even more than the honorific title -the pronoun diplomatically fosters inclusion, makes people feel respected and valued, and affirms their gender identity in a very supportive fashion thus belonging in our curriculum. SF Unified School District students dropped math classes to teach gender affirmation so you know how important the subject must be.

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It all makes sense. It was long ago shown that the left-right political difference is heritable.

John R. Hibbing, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Alford, Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences (2013)

But the leftists, who claim to love science, deny that "genopolitics" is true. Even if it is proven to be true.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_and_His_Emissary. The differing world views of the right and left brain (the "Master" and "Emissary" in the title, respectively) have, according to the author, shaped Western culture since the time of the ancient Greek philosopher https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plato, and the growing conflict between these views has implications for the way the modern world is changing.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_and_His_Emissary#cite_note-BBCRadio4Today-1 In part, McGilchrist's book, which is the product of twenty years of research,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_and_His_Emissary#cite_note-LiteraryReviewGrayling-2 reviews the evidence of previous related research and theories, and based on this and cultural evidence, the author arrives at his own conclusions.

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