So, those CRIMINALS just added THIS to the "vaccine" "schedule": ALC-0315 and ALC-0159


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Those who risk everything to victory by burning the ships and asking only more plunder according to plan rule us and plunder us and we obey. We fall in lock step.

How long now is the fundamental question. How few years can be responsible for our moment of extinction? Only 100? 200? More? 1492 and the rise of Spain?

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Yes, this is true.

And people don't have a problem with disobedience, but with disobeying these unlawful orders

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022Author

The orders are neither. Foo fighting. A mirage dominates this irony actually I am exploring in non fiction.

The inversion of the actual is recognizing Truth is lie. We agree that Covid truth is lie. This however is maintained, upheld, agreed upon, when none of the requirements for definition exist outside a biological warfare PR image out of China. The existence of the Big Lie is triumph of my fundamental argument.

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Covid is OXIDATIVE STRESS caused by graphene and other nanotech toxicity. Acute oxidative stress leads to blood clots, organ failure, heart attacks, strokes, low saturation, etc.

We've been poisoned so this is a misdiagnosed disease. It is unbelievable how it is so many people discus gain of function and other fantasy, while free radicals are the one responsible for those. It is so simple, that in fact primitive

Antioxidants are the key, especially NAC in higher doses

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Agree. Malpractice is the warp of the wood used to enable medicine by healers in the toxic society. The moment exists to overthrow the existing lie state by state. I pray overcoming the decisions of the states does not require the destruction of the populations within them. California seeks self destruction. Can New York be long behind?

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I think it's only a matter of time.

But many will suffer even more because the technology they injected connects to the infrastructure they established

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