Children in the US, for a number of years, and now in the UK, are no longer taught cursive handwriting due to the prevalence of typing and tapping as the dominant method of visual word communication. Handwriting is intimately personal and an expression of identity, so in view of your article, it seems a deliberate strategy to not only prevent that individuation, but to render writing as unnecessary. But come a power cut, writing, pen and paper will be the only means available.

Agreed, the highly-educated conformists are a prime target. Hitler's first victims were intellectuals, writers and artists, those with the ability to challenge and refute the dominant narrative he was articulating so dramatically, so successfully, so charismatically.

I'm sure uncle Klaus has Triumph of the Will on repeat. Maybe he and Leni were besties. She's only one letter short. There's got to be some surrealism there...

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022Liked by Stegiel

As a fan of your writing, can I ask you if you are seriously holding out hope for public schools doing some educating? Isn't it clear that the system is indoctrinating everyone (yes, rich and poor) as the population-at-large is entirely unable to do any critical thinking? We need coercive government out of education. And out of everything else as well for that matter.

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Two minded. As in all social systems the obedience of the public is cornerstone to failure. In general I would point out TV, Pop Culture educates. As do parents behavior.

The voucher system permits tax payers to take the tax money paid into education and use it in non-public schools. The public education system is hopelessly political since inception due to imitation of the Prussian educational model. Bismarck recognized the need for factory workers to have a limited education. In San Francisco and Marin county my wife taught in public and private school. Some public schools were superior to the two prestigious Catholic high schools she substituted in. Others not. Two private schools decided kids needed no school library and issued Ipads instead.

For too many years I have told my affluent friends to hire a tutor.

As I think it through probably with Dewey education took a wrong turn. In correcting this, Brazilian educator Paulo Freire is known as the father of critical pedagogy ( his book Pedagogy of the Oppressed has sold over 1 million copies worldwide) offered a Neo-Marxist solution. I am not a Marxist. I favor intelligence.

I do think it is feasible tax payers can overcome the Educational mafia. However this requires shall we say a sea change.

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