Since we entertain the lie at the heart of all this I post the blubbering apologist for the entire deception. The inheritor of his own fearful narcissism:


We are in a dying civilisation to be sure but how we got here is way beyond the little boy cowardice of a Chris Hedges.

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By analogy KW Norton: read Fauci for Hitler -how we arrived here under nominal civic freedom seen through the prism of Romano Guardini: The German people had permitted heteronomy to displace theonomy during the twelve years of the Third Reich. Why had they allowed this

tyranny to come about? Since the human subconscious operates on the

basis of images, symbols, and myths, it is continually applying imaginative constructs to the everyday world in order to uncover the meaning of situations, events, and human interactions. Insofar as these

images, symbols, and myths help people make sense of their lives, they influence their ideas, decisions, and actions.

Carl Jung was correct, Guardini averred, when he maintained that the human psyche's

"kernel of meaning," as expressed in human beings' collective unconscious,

is so primary in human cognition that it has not diminished after the Enlightenment.

We have moved to a historical consciousness and empirical approaches to the natural world and society, they still depend upon images, symbols, and myths in their search for life's meaning. Hence, they often view their political leaders through their mostly unconscious, collective images of savior-figures. While some of these imaginative constructs are beneficial, others are destructive. Indeed, some elements of the unconscious can unleash the human psyche's sub-human, "demonic" forces, with the result that ordinary people will harm their vulnerable neighbors or, at least, watch passively as state officials inflict suffering upon men, women, and children.

In Guardini's judgment, Hitler gained control over the subconscious of the German people. He allured people's imaginations into his ideology of "blood and race" and then manipulated German citizens acting as his pawns. Hitler, as Germany's Heilbringer, its bearer of God's favor. Giving himself the title Führer, he claimed absolute competence concerning politics, military strategy, science, economics, as well as art and music. He even assumed the role of the "messenger of God," the mediator between God and the "Arian race." He insisted, for example, that new buildings include the inscription, "For everything, we thank our Führer." Also, the Führer transferred to himself the images that Christians apply to Jesus Christ. For instance, the Nazi Party distributed pictures of Hit- ler standing among children and looking down at them in a paternal during the Third Reich, see Heinz R. Kuehn, "Fires in the Night 1920-1950," in Krieg,

Romano Guardini: Proclaiming the Sacred 1-14, and also Regina Kuehn, "Romano

Guardini in Berlin," ibid. 87-91.


1979) 47.


Even though 20th-century men and women may

In particular, he cultivated the image of himself

Guardini, Der Heilbringer in Mythos, Offenbarung und Politik (Mainz: Grünewald,

Ibid. 62.

41 481-93.


manner; it directed people to hang a photograph of Hitler in their homes in the place usually reserved for a cross or a portrait of Christ. The Party erected altar-like tables in parks on which were placed flowers surrounding a picture of the Führer. The "German Christians" in at least one Protestant church placed a photograph of Hitler on their church's altar. In the schools, children were required to pray with "small hands folded, small heads bowed, thinking within on the Führer, who gives us work and bread, who delivers us from all need."

direct their religious sentiments from Christ to the Führer. As Guardini observed, "The new myth of the earthly savior was intended to eliminate Christ and his salvation and bind human beings to this world. Whoever believed in this earthly savior [Hitler] no longer had the possibility of resisting the grip that seized them. They were given over—with body and soul, with spirit and will, with everything which they were and did—to the power which controlled Germany."^

Guardini's reflection in 1945 on the Third Reich is n

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