
Thank you. The reader finds me somehow. And now and then appreciates the idea. Substack is comparable perhaps to FB. Over ten years and I think 1100 "Friends" 5 - 10 read my posts with modest regularity. However in defense of FB posting, I did get a chance last year to speak on Covid-19 and WEF to 4 universities in South India in a webinar on Covid. I know I bored them, but no one else said what I said and I was accurate.

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Amnesty are useless.

It is a "mystery" to me why your blog doesn't get 1,000s of likes & comments.

There's a bunch of substackers here (a level down from the famed) who are pushing themselves forward as a second tier on Substack seemingly in a 'control the narrative' exercise. Their posts are sometimes interesting but if you read them every day well then you've not got time to read the more substantive posts and you won't notice the fascism as you've described above until the shits turn up at your door.

It is beyond disgraceful that Trudeau has turned Canada into a Pinochet ++ style hell.

Thanks Stegiel, your posts are just about always worth the read.

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Can you share your source on this (or at least describe the source, I don't mean you should doxx someone)? I'll be happy (or rather, not happy, as it were) to amplify this, but this is the first I've seen of this and I need to get more corroboration. There was such an uproar over Sara Carter getting that story wrong with the horse trampling that I want to be cautious. (Not that I disbelieve this or think it's not possible. But precisely because it's so alarming, I want to be extra careful.)

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This is exactly what my wife and I were expecting, when walking through the isles in the supermarket; being detained and force-vaccinated. It turned out well for all potential participants that no such attempts were made.

Turdeau's latest gun grab is latest step down the road to full tyranny, which is unlikely to work. Someone from Canada posted the other day that they have more unregistered guns per person than Americans do.

Also, I am convinced that freezing bank accounts was a strategic mistake, because he gave away what is awaiting the non-compliant and that is not going to be a popular move.

Apparently, Turdeau doesn't even dare to appear in public anymore. The same applies our brave-new-world governor in KY, who hasn't shown his ugly face since the show started, but kept imposing illegal edicts on the people. (BTW, KY received the proportionately highest number of deadly batches of the injections.)

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Has this information ever been verefied? I think it is probably going to happen in the near future but maybe not yet.

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